The NMMA offers access to its state-of-the art facilities to students, scientists and industry professionals who do research and field work in the region.
Study space
Wet Lab
Classroom and access to Computer Lab
Epson Interactive Projectors
Various Audio and Visual Equipment
Field equipment
Hach Rugged Field Kits, Spectrophotometers and Turbidimeters
Ogeechee Corer, Ekman Dredge and Wisconsin Plankton Net
Kemmerer Sampler and Secchi Disk
Terraplus KT-10 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter Circular and Rectangular Coil
Rock sample preparation
Buehler Lapro Slab Saw
Delta Petrocut abrasive cutter and Powerfeed 10” trim saw
Petrothin thin sectioning system and Petrovue thin section viewer
Polimet 1000 and MetaServ 250 grinders/polishers
Fritsch Disc Mill Pulverizer
Retsch BB200 Jaw Crusher
Buehler Cast N’ Vac
lab equipment
Purelab Water Purification System
ProBench Fumehoods
Magnetic Stir Plates
Gravity Convection Oven
research & technology
Motic B3-220 Compound Microscopes
Swift SM90-M28Z Stereo Microscopes
Nikon Eclipse 50iPOL Polarizing Microscope with Digital Camera
Meiji ML9200 Polarizing Microscope
Nikon Eclipse E200 Polarizing Microscopes
Please contact us for more details.